Tuesday, October 31, 2006

"This is Halloween,this is Halloween..."

I was lost since saturday.
Now it was because of the power supply of my computer, I'll have to buy a new one.
Now I'm here with the power supply of my friend CsaZo.

The Nightmare Before Christmas. One of my favourites. (Tim Burton!)
Remember Jack? He's standing on the top of my computer,
and watching as I'm writing.
He's still one of my favourite movie characters.
I like the movie, too, I can't say anything bad about it.

Now the creators has released the masterpiece, again. Now in 3D.
(glasses, and everything)
Well, The Nightmare Before Christmas 3D.

I'm curious...

Friday, October 27, 2006

Where has Kimi been?

Why Kimi hasn't been there when Pelé presented the cup for Schumacher?

"I was having a sh*t" :-D

We like this guy, he say it out, doesn't see anybody, even Schumacher...

Thursday, October 26, 2006


Woke up at 05:00. NEGATIVE.
Worked just until 09:00. POSTITIVE.
Walked to the Technika (my driving school). NEGATIVE.
1hr driving. Costs money, NEGATIVE.
Final exam (at last). POSITIVE.
Passed, I'll get my driving licence. POSITIVE.
Paid for 12 lessons. 27600HUF, NEGATIVE.
Walked to home, there wasn't bus. NEGATIVE.
The cooler has arrived, at last! POSITIVE.
...but I had to go to the post office for it. NEGATIVE.
Go home by bus. POSITIVE.
Changed the coolers, it works, it's silent. POSITIVE.
Videocard tuning (I can with this better cooler) POSITIVE.

If I count well, then the result is:  POSITIVE: NEGATIVE - 7:6
So, I think I had a good day today:-)

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Neo - Maps for a Voyage

At least, I have something to listen to!
I don't really like the hungarian songs of the present, they all are the same.
And it's 98% that I don't like them. (I'm like this, my mistake)
But it's everything, but not stereotyped. It's UNIQUE.
There are many who haven't heared about that there's a music group in our little country that has bigger respect abroad than here at home.
They haven't been in any "Megastar reality show"...
Well, if you like electro music, then I recommend you the new Neo album.
The old albums, too :-D
Buy, insert, listen!


Monday, October 23, 2006


Is everything possible in this country?
A celebration can be held, and non of the civilians can be there,
because they aren't allowed to be there? To show fake face to the guests from abroad?
Can you hit, and kick a man by the police? The man is on the ground, there're about 4 policemen on him, and their collegues hit, and kick him as the run accross the scene. They don't stop, just hit one with nightstick, or kick 2-3 times. The man can't do anything against it, he can't move.
I have modd to spit when I see thins like this.
It's disgusting that anybody can do such creepy things with the people in this country, and we can't have any words against it. Our favourite politicians explain that what we can see on the TV is not that it seems, nobody is hitting, kicking, or shooting rubber bullets.
How long they can do anything that wants, and tell us what is that we can do???
Well, going back to follow the happening...


Sunday, October 22, 2006

Coca-Cola je to


The Coca-Cola Company has started its new campaign, and came out with a retro-futuristic (I know, paradox) design.
They left the "red labelled" cola outfit, and they made aluminium "bottles".
If I think it well (night mode), then it will look cool in ultra-violet light, so you can flash with it in the disco more than a bottle of beer.
You won't lurch, or if you will, then it's coffeine overdose.
After all, I like it!

                                                     ...and day


A spectacular advert a la Sony...

I think, I'll try this on our house... :-D


Alonso or Schumacher?
Massa or Fisichella?

The questions of the last GP of the season 2006...


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

A leaf

A leaf on the street.
Nobody knows where from, but it is there.
The cars are running across it like it doesn't exist.
It's laying there cripply, it won't wave anymore, nobody will listen the memories of the summer that it keeps within. It dries slowly, but it keeps the heat of the summer. It keeps the spring when its tree was getting green. It keeps the summer nights when so many people walked under the tree. Some were sad, and alone, some were happy with full of plans, some just crooned.
It saw all of them.
And now it's just laying on the street, like a thought that doesn't worth to thinking of. A held back breath, that will never be outblown.
The memories of a year.
Nobody set eyes on it, only who are on the bus, and looking down in the dark through the window.
Just laying there, and waiting for the end of everything...

Check this, environmental protection!

Here, at the beginning of the 21th century we are proud, and happy,
because we changed the freons, sending out less carbon-dioxyde, the greenhouse-effect is getting low, the ozone layer is "healing", and
everything will be like before.

The Earth doesn't care this all.
Or we still making something wrong?

The measurements of the ESA satelite Envisat shows
that this year's ozone loss is bigger than ever.
The ozone hole is about 28million km² (Hungary is 93030km²), the ozone loss is 40 million tonns until now (the record was in 2000, 39 million tonns in the whole year)

Now what? We are healing our planet like this? Nice...
Will we make shit with this planet untill Gr4ss will right, and it will destroy us as defence?

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

a picture, and a sentence...

"Viva la revolucion!"
                       Manny Calavera 

Monday, October 16, 2006

it would be better to hurry

This buzzing makes me crazy.
It's like a coffee grinder in my room.
Send that cooler! 

Saturday, October 14, 2006

"Anything that could broke down..."

                                                                        the guilty

Ehh, the machine is dying...
The fan ventilator of my VGA started to buzzing.

I found out that it's highly abrased, it could be any time like Schumacher's engine on the japanese GP.
I think, it's better to buy a cooler for less money than a complete card for many many more.Reliability is the most important, but for me, the design is important, too.
This is why I chose the Zalman VF700-Cu

Friday, October 13, 2006


What have I got today!
480x350x140mm, about 20kg, and made in 1982.
Who can guess what it is? :-D


I can seeeeeeee our house!

Google Earth 4.0.2091 BETA
At last! Interesting updates for me with good plugins.
Nagykanizsa, Zalaegerszeg, and the villages around them
in high resolution.

Our well known ambiente from unusual perspective.
Go, get it, and find our house! OK, yours. :-)


When the evening is burning

It happens every day, but sometimes we just don't notice it.
"It's evening, already", as we think, because it's getting dark.
And sometimes it's just the end of the play.
Today I've seen the whole play, again, I was lucky to can see it.
I love it, it's silent, it has no sound, just the colours telling.
You know... "When the sun approaches to the horizon, and its light coming through the air in longer way, it become red."
This is the definition of that I just called today "the burning sky" There were clods in the sky, and the settling sun couldn't do anything against them. And then... the light defeated the darkness for a couple of minutes, and fired up the clouds.
...then the "burning sky" started to fade, and grey came to rule the evening.
The light has lost, the noise has faded to silence, it became night.


Spadla z oblakov

Oooooh, nostalgia...
Remember anybody? This little girl?
If we ask the people who are younger than 25, then the 99.999% of the answers will be "no".
For me, she's a nice memory. How is this series with the eyes of present? I don't know. But maybe I will, soon. I loved it then (the series is from 1978, so I was about 3-5yrs old when they broadcasted it here).
Well, the name: Majka
"Spadla z oblakov" was the original title of the series (special thanks for Cechoslovakia), and it had 13 parts. It was about a little girl from the space, who arrived here, and lost a little bit.

Well, she just came out from the twilight of the past, again, thanks for the the Internet.
I hope, I'm not alone, who still remember.



If you like sounds, tones, noises, or effects, then here you can find quality goldmine.
The range is wide, the quality is cool!
Just register for free, and then start to listening!



The wheel of the time is rolling, again.
There's no any signs in today, but you can feel it in deep that there's something in the air. We can't feel it yet, just know it from the calendar, but the storks went where's no cold. The martins will go soon, too. The cold, the rain, and the fog are approaching. The leaves are getting yellow slowly, the fruits fall down, the nature is getting ready for winter. For the long sleeping when the snow covers the world, and the coldness rules.
Today this snow was just a far thought, the weather was good for going out for a trip, and we went.

But don't forget, it's autumn, already...


a thought...

"Without you, today's emotions would be the scurf of yesterday's"




In these days everybody's listening that who lies, and who don't.
Nobody sees that there's another place where everything goes better
than planned long time ago.
There are two machines in our little solar system, they do their job like nobody imagined.
Well-well, we aren't on this planet, little further where I would like to live more than here. (I have site on this planet, thanks for my family:-D)

Spirit, and Opportunity, Mars rovers.
Have you heared about them? More than two years ago when they landed, right? Maybe then.
They are working since more then 900 (!) days after starting work, more than 850 days after their guarantee.
Where they are there's silence, the mankind is far with their stupidity, and those who controls them just want good things. The are searching for the source of life, but here are people who just want to destroy it.

If you are not interested just in the running world with its bullshits,
then here you can see different things.


Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Sheep people

Hungary, Thailand. The time, and the task are the same,
the methods are different.

In Thailand soldiers took the lead, in Hungary NOBODY.

Last night there was a drove of sheeps that "took" the building of MTV (Hungarian Television), thanking for the failes, and mistakes of the police. Yes, sheeps, because when they went in, they forgot why are they there, and didn't know what to do. The drove needs a shepherd, a controller who tell them what to do, and controls them. Without him the remaining are just breaking everything, football-feeling (F**k your mother, f**k your mother!)

I think, if somebody started to shouting "rubber duck", then everybody started.
"Oh, we aren't here to break everything, to shouting? Aren't we in a football match?"
"No problem, take the bricks, and burn up that car, why is it there!"
Some "fanatics" hit the plicemen, who couldn't do anything against it, they didn't know what to do, neither. They have been left alone by their bosses without backup.

Well, this is like when two droves meet, one of them take the lead against the other, but they don't have task.

I think, they will success in Thailand.

Here? Who knows? Maybe need a shepherd...


Yes,we've done it...

Yes, they have...
Be informed how Hungary is now.
You can have own opinions (I hate politicians)

(It's the record of Prime Minister Gyurcsány, that broke out scandal)



Have you ever been in darkness? In darkness that is so silent, and so dark, like you feel you can't see? Can't hear anything, you just presume your heartbeat. But you feel, however. You feel that you are alone, you fear, and you feel cold.

...and just waiting for the morning...


Want cola?

Cherry Coke, Coke vanilla, Pepsi Twist, Pepsi Gold, Pepsi Blue, and now it's with coffee.
Huh... What an idea...
I'm waiting for taste the new cola with onion, the pumpkin falvoured lollypop, the garlic flavoured chewing gum, and the chocholate with sausage. Just mix the tastes when we are boring that the cola has cola taste, the chocolate has chocolate taste, and the chewing gum still has menthol flavour (sorry, winterfresh, the name "menthol" has disappeared)
Well, here's the newest madness, Pepsi Chino from the scheme of "Cappu Chino".
Get it, drink it, but be careful, it's "Limited Edition"!
It's like beer flavoured candy...
Extreme sport for me...

The "big 18"

Who do you like to eat delicious food? Pizza, anybody?
Let's go to the Robinson pizzeria & pub in Nagykanizsa,
and order a "big 18" (hungarian pizza)!
The guys did they best today, again, and take the second place of my toplist.
(It was the third time when I ate this good at them)
Well, if anybody likes the hungarian kitchen, the hungarian tastes,
and ready to marry it with the italian food, then I just can recommend it!


Monday, October 09, 2006

Freax - The book

Nice outside, nice inside.
My newest picture book has arrived 
„The brief history of the computer demoscene” by Grass and Tomcat
I can just can recommend it, I think everybody can find familiar pictures in it.

More infos at here.       


Questions, again...

Why is that when you think that everything goes well, then a lightning hits, and everything turns into its opposite? Why the things are so difficult like you don’t know what the truth is? Why have to be lost in the maze? You find the way out, and believe that you found the exit. Then just notice that the exit is just one more entrance to another maze.
Is there exit anywhere? Where you can go out, and can see everything clear, and you know about everything what it is.
I don’t need more than just a clear answer for my question...


Schumacher is out

An era is over.
And era with different opinions as you ask people.
Schumacher will retire.
Pity? At last? The opinion is yours.
That is sure that he reached everything just can be reached in this thing of F1. He was in the bottom, and he was on the top, too. He’s a symbolic character, whose name is equal with F1. That’s another thing that when he was winning then how could he win, somtimes he wasn’t fair, and won like that.The F1 allowed him to make those kind of things that nobody else was allowed. Yes, sometimes against the rules, too. He knew the little doors, and he used them, too.
Against everything, he’s a talent, born to win, and work hard for it.
Next year he will disappear from the grid, but I don’t feel that he will leave so much space after himslef. The Tiffosis are for Ferrari, they will get a new hero, their religion will be the same. The average cheerers stands at the side of who win the most. In Hungaroring, 2004 the crowd was in Ferrari red, but in 2005 it was blue more than red.
Exceptions are the maniacs, and those, who select their heroes not just because they always win. They are the real F1 fan, not the „style monkeys”.
So, as I see, I won’t miss the „Schumacher feeling”

Of course, maybe there, and then I’ll come back to this theme, and apologize.
Until that: So long, and thanks Michael!


Big journey

05am. Railway station.
How could I wake up this early? I’m not normal!
But I was standing in the deaf silent that only could be broken by the noises of the station sometimes. We are going to Budapest, BNV.
We are going third time to see everything that is worth to see by those who are more professional in this than we, average people are. (To know what worths to see)
At the entrance there are more people from abroad than hungarians. And really, a whole hall is chinese, malay, egyptian, iranian (they show technology for cooler towers for nuclear plants. Outch!)
That is interesting more is the European Championship for Flight Simulators with spectacular equipments, and professional pilots.
The whole BNV is like last year, but LESS...
Of course I came home with a bunch of prospectus, I can read them for a couple of days.
The positive thing of the day is that I took lots of photos. (of course, sometimes there are better themes, but it was good)
Coming home was a typical „stops in every bushes, and trees”, I was waiting for arrive home.
The taxidriver (I wanted to arrive home as soon as possible, and didn’t want to walk a lot in dark) came without taxameter, of course, but it wasn’t expensive.
Well, howdy-hooo, BNV, at last I’m home!


There’s more

I just found the part of the mushrooms fried in the oven.
Of course, I tasted!
Delicious! :-)


Morning, sunrise, forest...

The rising sun have found me in forest today, again.
We went to see the gifts of the forest after rain.
Have you ever seen the sunrise in the forest? The light is coming through the leaves, and draws lines into the humid morning air. I stopped for a moment, and just listened the silent, watched the game of the light, and took a deep breath of the odour of forest.
Then I concentrated to what we came for.
We found enough, and I was happy to came out from the city life, and could be in the forest... in morning.



Oh, I’ve just noticed that I can type faster than I thinking.
It was clear thing, already that I can type faster than write by hand.
It looks I’m fading into the cyberspace!
Soon I’ll be a couple of 0, and 1.

Yes, the Internet can’t substitue the personal conversation, but sometimes you haven’t any other choose. Because the time, or circumstances are not suitable.

Live a little here, and there, too, but keep the balance between them!


The cap

There are many people who says that I’m not normal, because I have every Fisichella cap since 2002. But you should take cheering seriously!

Well, the newest piece of my collection finally arrived.
What should I say more?



Everybody for their own

Ehh, people...

I have headache, I’m tired, too.
I don’t write anything, ok?
Think about things, you all have anything to thinking about, too.
Start the tomorrow like you solve anything that is back to solve!
Realize something that you haven’t realized yet.
Make, or do something good, and smile a lot!
Let’s be different in this sour world!

Come on!


Sunday, October 08, 2006

To be continued...

I translated some more past posts, but on another computer,
and I left the data cable (of my phone) at home. So I couldn't bring them home.
It will continue tomorrow (If I won't forget, again :-) ) 

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Dödölle festival

Have you eaten it?

Yes, I have. It’s Guinness-record, because if you buy 505kgs of potatoes, 160kgs of flour, 100kgs of onion (no, not from Makó, just local, only!), and 8kgs of salt, and you make the category, too, then you will be in the book. What should I say? My grandma makes it better. Here the quantity was more important than quality. And it was enough!
Well, since now Nagykanizsa has the Guinness-record of this food.
If you want to be a recorder, then you should buy one more potato, or oversalt it, that’s all! But the easier way to make new own category!
OK, I finished to be rude, the dödölle is delicious food, so let’s taste it!
I like as the festival grows every year.

Special thanks for the „Busó” team from Mohács!
Well done, Nagykanizsa, we will break the record next year!

Waiting for „Dödölle day IV.”! 


Broadcasting break

I don’t write anything today, but I promise, I will :-)
Good night, everyone!


What a pity...

What a pity that I was alone!
The scene is the way from the downtown to home.
The time: 18:50-19:20

I had no bus to way home from the downtown.
But you know what? I don’t mind.
I don’t mind, because I could see the sunset, like average people can see very rarely.
Most of the people are walking in the streets with eyes looking down, and only some look up. Have you seen the top of that building? You walk there every day. Remember its upstairs windows? Have you seen as the sun shines the roof last time before it goes down? No? The view is unwrittable. Look up! Don’t look your shoes! Stop for a moment, don’t hurry!
Take a deep breath, and watch as the setting sun lights up the roofs!
I looked as the light faded, the sun went down. Only the clouds reflected the sunshine, and then everything faded to grey.

It became evening, and I arrived home.


The Matrix has you...

"Why? Why get up? Why keep fighting?
Is it freedom, or truth? Perhaps peace? Could it be for love?
Illusions, Mr. Anderson. Vagaries of preception.
Temporary constructs of a feeble human intellect trying desperately to justify an existence
that is without meaning or purpose.
And all of them as artifical as the Matrix itself
altough only a human mind could invent something as insipid as love."
Agent Smith

Smith failed, now what?

Is it worth to fight? Fight for something that maybe doesn’t exist?
Those who lives with narcotics escapes into their own Matrix, where all of these things are meaningless. But those who lives normally are living in lie? How could we know that we are not just acting in an interactive reality show? That somebody doesn’t laughing on us? And that our thoughts are ours, not other’s?

Maybe this all are not important, but this is that thing calls „life”, we are walking in this, and sometimes we lose the way. This is the only thing that has been given to us. So, let’s make it to be as good as we just can make it to be!
Everybody do everything good that just want to do!
It worths to fight for! Maybe it’s just a subjective reality, but then, too.
Because perhaps won’t be continuing...


Everyday christmas

I drove today, again.

Yes, in the age of 28 I started the Schumacher course to can pass him on inner arc one day :D
Well, I’m still in the state what the everyday driver calls „rookie”
But this story is not about this. It’s about that happened in the way home.
Out from the car, in to the bus, I drove untill now. I passed the task from now.
In the next stop a little girl came into the bus with her dad, they stopped in the front of my seat, because the little girl didn’t want to sit down.
There, and then I filled with christmas feeling, because there are some, who thinks of christmas in this late summer sunshine, too.
The little girl (with suitable volume for can hear by everybody) started to name all of the things that she would like to get for christmas present. And said that how wonderfull will be to be together with the whole family. I looked around, watched the faces, and it was good feeling that I saw that everybody listening, most of them are smiling, too.
The little girl brought the feelings of winter night, christmas tree, and a little attention for her audience. Could we make this feeling to be everyday feeling? Could be Christmas every day for a couple of moments?

Then the people went on to their destinations as the stops followed by stops.

Did they realize that today was christmas?

I hope so...



Simple people

Morning 1/2 6. On the bus. Dark outside, and silent.

The light of the lamps outside through the window is as sleepy as I am.
I'm in my thoughts, heading to working, like every morning.
I don't want to talk.
But there are, who want!
There are, who was waiting all night for meet hundred times seen collegue,
and talking about interesting actual news.
No, I don't want to hear, but I have to, I can't avoid.
-Oh, how many times my mother washed my father's membership cards!
For example once at home:
"Oh, my daughter, I think, I made a mistake, again
I washed your father's fisherman licence!"
A big laugh is the reward.
Is this so funny that everybody have to hear it? So loudly?

The other is talking about that she could taste
a can of Red Bull for the first time in the age of 54.
"-Good-good, but just I couldn't sleep because of it."
Really? Do you know what caffeine is?
Oh, you know pH just from the adverts, but you are sure that it is in your mouth?

Well... They are simple people.
It's not bad, they are happy like this, too.
They are happy with their TV series, they are happy, because they can send bunch of SMS' for voting to their singing "star" on the TV, who will disappear for tomorrow.
They are happy for there are, who are stars.
They don't think that they could be stars like these stars are.

Finally, the bus is turning into its final detination, I take a deep breath from the fresh morning air, and enjoy the silence, the background of the converstations.
"Simple people..."
Then everybody stands in four columns at the entrance like sheeps, who are going to the slaughterhouse, but they don't mind it all.

I'm smiling. I don't mind it, neither, already.
A new day is beginning.


Should see...

I was reading.
I was reading, and shocked inside, because I realized that there are
some people who CAN SEE.
Yes, like this, with big letters.
To can see is the ability of those, who don't like just see,
who are thinking about the things.
Who can't choose the silent accept of resignation, they want
to choose only the bumpy road of recognition, and understanding.
They ask: Why?
There's no answer, so we have to choose that road, to open our eyes widely, and then maybe can reach the solution. And when we find the answer for the question that can hear only deaf ears, then we can say that we CAN SEE.
It would be foolish to say that we will like it, but maybe we will face to the reality.
It hurts? At least, it's not illusion, this is reality, you can wake up, and look around. You have the right: Which way to choose?
Untill there are, who chosse this way, this road, maybe there's hope.
Come to reality to CAN SEE!


There's resurrection!

I thought my poor photocam gave up finally.
On the day before yesterday here was thunderstorm, and
I prepaired for taking photos while I came home from work "Yesss!"
Turned on, and faced the fact: "Camera needs service".
We have been so many places together, we have seen so many things...
So long, and thanks for everything!

...now I turned it on, AND IT'S WORKING!
Or just a final kick? Keep working a little more!


Well, I start it...

I noticed that there are visitors of my blog from abroad,
so I decided to make an English version, too.
I translate all of the past posts of it, so it will take time...