Check this, environmental protection!

Here, at the beginning of the 21th century we are proud, and happy,
because we changed the freons, sending out less carbon-dioxyde, the greenhouse-effect is getting low, the ozone layer is "healing", and
everything will be like before.
The Earth doesn't care this all.
Or we still making something wrong?
The measurements of the ESA satelite Envisat shows
that this year's ozone loss is bigger than ever.
The ozone hole is about 28million km² (Hungary is 93030km²), the ozone loss is 40 million tonns until now (the record was in 2000, 39 million tonns in the whole year)
Now what? We are healing our planet like this? Nice...
Will we make shit with this planet untill Gr4ss will right, and it will destroy us as defence?
because we changed the freons, sending out less carbon-dioxyde, the greenhouse-effect is getting low, the ozone layer is "healing", and
everything will be like before.
The Earth doesn't care this all.
Or we still making something wrong?
The measurements of the ESA satelite Envisat shows
that this year's ozone loss is bigger than ever.
The ozone hole is about 28million km² (Hungary is 93030km²), the ozone loss is 40 million tonns until now (the record was in 2000, 39 million tonns in the whole year)
Now what? We are healing our planet like this? Nice...
Will we make shit with this planet untill Gr4ss will right, and it will destroy us as defence?
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