Sunday, April 29, 2007

Here,too,there,too,and elsewhere,too...

It's just the halftime of the weekend, but the last two days were eventful.
Yesterday we burned up our weekend field (mean: we burned the dry grass)
Oh, yes, and we realized that our cellar is the BatCave, there lives a bat (at least).
We ate together at night with friends. I changed the "big 18" pizza to be "big 24" from now on.

And today I found myself in the "B centre", again, Nagykanizsa Demons - Wolves2 (12:30)
I felt like the judges wanted to make the Wolves2 to win, but maybe I'm just with the home team... Failed the match, but the mood was excellent, again. (the judges warned us, because we cheered little too much)

Friday, April 27, 2007

Graffiti is dead

At least the painted type...

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Undo everything...

The name of the thing: "pizza saver"
Invented by Carmela Vitale (Dix Hills, NY, USA) in 1983.
US patent #4,498,586

Hands up everybody who have heard about these! :)


Yes, right. This is the thing that is placed to the middle of a pizza to avoid its contact with the pizza box while transporting.

But does anybody know the name of this thing?

it has been 21 years ago...

April 26, 1986.

"By 1:23:47 the reactor jumped to around 30 GW, ten times the normal operational output. The fuel rods began to melt and the steam pressure rapidly increased, causing a large steam explosion. Generated steam traveled vertically along the rod channels in the reactor, displacing and destroying the reactor lid, rupturing the coolant tubes and then blowing a hole in the roof. After part of the roof blew off, the inrush of oxygen, combined with the extremely high temperature of the reactor fuel and graphite moderator, sparked a graphite fire. This fire greatly contributed to the spread of radioactive material and the contamination of outlying areas."

This is how the one worst and darkest dream of humankind came true. Chernobyl. The other things are known, we have seen it in the TV, we talked about it, we felt it. And we understood: This is how you became when playing with nuclear power, you suffer for hundred years.
21 years are not many, but we haven't learned.
Isn't it the time to finish playing? Take it seriously! Carefully!

And always remeber for "No more Chernobyl!"

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

All right,kids...

It reminds me to only one thing:"Cheap game for stupid children."
I was just reading about a newest fantastic thing that is so fantastic that I don't know how could I live until now without it. This miracle calls "Phonespinner". The essence of the thing is that you can attach a ring to the back of your cellphone, and then you can spin it round and round. I think if I would attach this thing to the back of my N-Gage, then it would fly away in the first round because of the weight of the phone.
For the second sight, I don't want to miss the birth of a new communication form: "Each movement has its own technical name and the different motions can be means of non-verbal communication. E.g. the movement called FLIP, meaning yes and SPIN, meaning no. Etc."(source:
It's good that I found this, because I will know the answer of a jerk when pick out the phone from pocket, and spin it. It's still more easier for me to say "yes", or "no" than to find my phone, grab it, and spin like an idiot. But yes, we are not the same.

If you really want to seem snob, then you must have this!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


I found this "thing" in 2004 together with smaller-bigger pieces in the middle of a forest.
I'm thinking about it since then, what it could be.
Its diamater is about 9cm, weight 204g, colour grey, it reflects the light like it would be bituminous. There are rusty spots on its surface like melted iron. It has holes like the holes of cheese, inside of them have the bituminous reflectoin, too.
So, I would like to ask for help to find out what it is. You, who reads this, and can tell me, or can show this pic to anybody who can tell what it is, please help! Is it a meteorite? Rock? Dross? Or something else?
Say something!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Jungle party

Today we went to the "hill" (weekend house) to cut the grass.
I haven't been there since about three-four years, the landscape has changed since then. Where once was a little tree, now a big is, where once was strawberry, now everywhere it is flowering. I was just waiting for the elephants to horning, but it seems it's not season yet.
We will see...

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Nokia security code

I just realized that long time ago I changed the security code of my favourite N-Gage, and I forgot it well. And (of course) I activated the option that it locks itself when somebody changes the SIM card in it, and can be unlocked ONLY by the security code. Fortunately I found this site for help (ONLY FOR OWN RESPONSIBILITY!!!):
It worked nicely on my phone.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Gortoz A Ran-J'Attends


Green goes,silver comes

Today I changed cards. Bank cards. VISA is on from now.
Hello, Internet, hello World!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Adventure & eating

I had a luck to visit to Kecskemét on the last weekend.
Kecskemét, where's always evening. Mean that I've seen it almost only at night, because we went to the coliseum in the morning, and went from that in evening. We ate gummibears, and chocolate pellets all day, so we planned big dinner. We went to the Old nuttree restaurant, where we ate a whole lot.
If you want to eat a real good in Kecskemét, then go there, and order an "erdélyi fatányéros" and/or "vén diófa tál" (both are sized for two persons!) Yes, this is the place for the advertising! The serving is number one, the food is delicious, I can just recommend it. On the way home we went to the National Historical Memorial Park in Ópusztaszer, that must to see for every hungarians. Then we started our final way to home, and we found "THE PLACE" in Mélykút, it is the "Béke Restaurant". We arrived there because of a simple thing: every else restaurant were closed then, we couldn't have dinner elsewhere. So, we could eat a suspiciously cheap suspiciously delicious dinner with suspiciously excellent serving. We three ate soup, and second dish for only 3435HUF! Here at home we could eat only three pizzas for this price, and not with a serving like this. And here? Gentle serving, delicious food for extremly cheap price.
So, we ate a lot in both places, a can tell only good about both restaurants.
The travelling was good, too except that we hit a little deer on the way home, and it broke the car a little. It's all right, went away after a couple of minutes.
I wanted to skip this thing...

Thursday, April 12, 2007

International Space Station

March 12. The day of spaceflying.
As a family program we went down to the back of our house this evening to watch the ISS.
The timing was perfect, the sun jut went down, but it was still shining on the surface of the Space Station. The full happening took about 2 minutes as the vehicle flew across above our head (from W-SW to E-NE) at speed of 27 000kms/h like a shining spot.
We waved hands :-)

Monday, April 09, 2007


Today a thing that delayed since many years has been solved, so I'm pleased now...
Let this be enough :-)

Sunday, April 08, 2007

The train is coming!

April 3. 2007
New speed world record! That is something!

Saturday, April 07, 2007


Frodó has made fever today, and we continued this cheering. :-)
Today's program was american football, Nagykanizsa Demons - Zagreb Thunder (6:22)
The mood was excellent, nothing bad about the weather (I burned on the sun well)
Oly the result is questionable, but ok, the league is the main thing!

"Must to go, must to win!"

Just in:Charles "Microsoft" Simonyi is in space!

Hungarian person is in space!
He is the second hungarian since Bertalan Farkas, who can see the big blue planet from above. Károly Simonyi (aka. Charles Simonyi) paid a big fee to has this wonder. He has money to pay because he is (of course) a software guru. I just finishe to watching the live broadcasting of the start on Duna TV, that broadcasting was terrible. Invited "experts" (all my respect to Dr. Iván Almár, who was there from God knows where) have commented the events. One of them (expert, too?) has translated the nothing by interrupt the others. The other was thinking about that uncle Karcsi is hungarian, or isn't hungarian. He has born in Budapest, and he labelled himself as hungarian, then what is for thinking? It is interesting that you can't hear anything from any hungarians until she/he makes something significant, but then he is hungarian immediately! (...)
The start was like an interlude in the middle of a monologue, "Oh, there they go!" Hmmm...

I say that don't spoil the historic fact that there's a hungarian man in space (for money then for money)!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Nobody told that it will raining...

An idea

Nagykanizsa has the worst main square in the whole country. We could talk about how the blue "swimming pool" shows in the middle of the red bricks, but no. It's enough, that bad looking, without any idea. There were some ideas about this thing, but nothing has came true of them until now.
I'm just reading about an interactive musical fountain "Hydraulophone". Couldn't it be something like this to take it high? It could be a real attraction. Yes, I know, the fantasy runs away, and back...
Or is it too expensive?
Just don't have this bad looking main square, please...

Sunday, April 01, 2007

...and a song for today

Embrace - Nature's law

A picture...

                                                                                     Frodó is sailing