Sunday, March 30, 2008

"Give water!"

Yesterday was a sport day. Woke up in the morning after a talking- darts night at my friend CsaZo's.I went to Újudvar with his girlfriend to see theFisher-Fujitsu Clime Cup. There we've been informed that this stage has been delayed. So go to Nagybakónak. As we went there some rally cars overtook us, and made us sure that we are on right way. And really, we could follow the roar, and we could see the race in action. Went to have dinner from here, and then visited the "parc fermé" where CsaZo joined us, and then Frodó and Gr4s, too. Hurry to Kisrécse where we could see cars in full speed, at last. And then Demons match... almost, because I locked the car's keys into my car (I know, hehe).
Having the spare keys head to Demons - Cowboys match where we met more friends. The resul is still not the best, but the day was very colorful after all. Thanks to everybody.
Fisher-Fujitsu Clime Cup:

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Monday, March 24, 2008


I'm active on flickr nowadays, but I'll return to here soon, too. Until that you can pick here.

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Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter 2008

I wish Happy Easter to every single Readers of mine.
Waters to the girls for not to whiter, and lot of red eggs to boys for... just because :D


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A question

as a survey into the night:

If you could go anywhere where would you wanna go? Somewhere you know really well or somewhere you've never been before?


Retro forever

I won't tell again and again that I like retro.
This clock is, and I like it, too. I always liked this kind of clocks in the movies of '80s as the numbers flip down in half parts. And more, it doesn't ticking, that is a big score, I hate mechanical clocks at night as the ticking.

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Saturday, March 15, 2008


It was a boring day today. Cockade up. The people are not themselves, they need evasion to be animals. But there's no meaning. It was qualifying in morning, I woke up early. I saw that you're still up. Then I went back to sleep. Work- boring. Home in evening, I'm sleepy. Wake up early in morning, race. But here. Music. Thoughts. Pictures. What if... what if there's no if... Dreams? Colours. Confusion in here. Should read, and then sleep. Dreaming, again.
Will be.

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Friday, March 14, 2008

Retro, again

We remembered oldies with the guys at work. There was a wishing programme on Kanizsa Radio (our town's local radio), so we aked a song. We didn't trust in it, but the first song after we sent the SMS was this:

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

"it's better than hoeing in the garden..."

No comment...

However yes. HEHEHEHEHEHE!!!
Somebody say HALLELUJAH!!! :D

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Monday, March 10, 2008


My friend Anti works for Mazda, where they introduced the new Mazda 6 in an open weekend. Today he brought the beauty back to the Mazda headquarters in Budapest, and I came with him. What can I say, it's very different after Lada... OK, don't draw parallels... :D
The point is that everything is in its place in it. 10/10

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Tuesday, March 04, 2008


what do they look us?!             the silence of the lambs...
our back isn't feathery!           ... but we are humans!

the old story, again...
...however there are who accept it!     Don't allow them to pluck you, too!

When will that be when they talk to us like adults from above and not like "wee-wee-poo-poo, little child"? Because this kind of campaign reminds me only this (and that is a money that has been thrown out). When will that be when there won't be anybody who want to explain what to think about things? When I agree, too... let me have my own opinion!
Please, I'M NOT STUPID! Is that hurt for anybody?

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Monday, March 03, 2008

"Clear night!"

I just arrived from Újudvar, I was at the TV tower with my brother in law Gr4ss. We were up at the TV tower for gazing to the stars, and to photographing. The people of the towns can't imagine that you can see much more stars far from the town. And there are just few who go away from the town to see for themselves. The loneliness, the silece (interrupted by owls) and the darkness make own special atmosphere.
Try it, it worths it!

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