Yesterday was a sport day. Woke up in the morning after a talking- darts night at my friend CsaZo's.I went to Újudvar with his girlfriend to see the
Fisher-Fujitsu Clime Cup. There we've been informed that this stage has been delayed. So go to Nagybakónak. As we went there some rally cars overtook us, and made us sure that we are on right way. And really, we could follow the roar, and we could see the race in action. Went to have dinner from here, and then visited the "parc fermé" where CsaZo joined us, and then Frodó and Gr4s, too.

Hurry to Kisrécse where we could see cars in full speed, at last. And then Demons match... almost, because I locked the car's keys into my car (I know, hehe).

Having the spare keys head to Demons - Cowboys match where we met more friends. The resul is still not the best, but the day was very colorful after all. Thanks to everybody.
Fisher-Fujitsu Clime Cup:
Labels: Everydays, Photographing, Sport
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