
The NRO-L21 spy satellite has been shot down from the Pearl Harbor-based Aegis cruiser, USS Lake Erie. To shot down a minivan sized object from a distance of 210kilometers that is travelling more than 17 000mph... that's something... Well, the operation was successful with a modified SM-3 rocket (that was like on the picture).
Time to cheer, or to bitch that even satellites are not in safe anymore. But I hope that the debris will reenter into the deeper atmosphere at a dark place, and there will be someone who will film it, or will take a photo of it.
Time to cheer, or to bitch that even satellites are not in safe anymore. But I hope that the debris will reenter into the deeper atmosphere at a dark place, and there will be someone who will film it, or will take a photo of it.
Labels: News, Space exploration
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