Cherubion. The pair of the catastrophe strucked Europe in another reality, a continent with mutant species. Appear of a mysteryous prophet ends its peace, a prophet who begins a war in the name of ancient gods. His campaign raises the opposites of the people of Cherubion, and there are only less who can realize that everything that they do helps the return of the fearsome Night age.Warriors, traders, shapeshifters are battleing for their goal in a world where the magic exists together with modern technic.
Cherubion alkonya II. - Cherubion keselyűi (The twilight of Cherubion Part two - The vultures of the twilight)

There's no magic, or weapon that can stops the Prophet of the twilight, but his power seems less against treason. His campaign against Monarakh is failed. A secret became known that two of the Gods of the Night - Melan, and Choler - are prisoners of spirit urns in a distant valley. The army of humans go to Haides across the doomed Asherron river to set Melan free. But there they have to face with the cholerit king Siamun Menkaura, who became xinaf. While the powers of Cherubion battleing with the name of Melan, Choler and Sang on their flags nobody knows what will really mean when the three excellences will walk in life, again. And neither that how good is (and good for who) when the three gods make the fate of Cherubion...
I'm glad that I can return to Cherubion, to the scene of the Night- and Dawn- thrilogys. There were where (and when) I became a fan of the hungarian fantasy thank to István Nemes (aka. Jeffrey Stone, and John Caldwell) I think that if there would be someone who filmed the Chaos- cycle, or the Night- Dawn- thrilogys with the high standard of the LOTR movies, then they easily could defeated the LOTR, or even Harry Potter movies. The various scenes, the rolling action, the diversion of so many characters make the story better, and they don't ruin it. They make it PERFECT.