No stop / Punish your machine

The last one and half week was a rush by work, over overtimes, sack of money (of course).
On 6th of December we (with Grass) visited the big Budapest for our only concert in this year: Front 242 in Sport Max 2. As we arrived (after confused navigation, and stop) Igor decided not to anywhere from here, we don't go on. Didn't want to run. Lucky that it simply started as pushed. Refuelling, then push, again (THX, Grass), then parking on a street that looked like a ski jumping track for safety. We met our pal Visage, and then way to the concert. Yes, Front 242 in Hungary for the first time. The mood is excellent, the music is excellent as well, the volume is over in normal, the LCD TVs (spectacles) showed the "no signal" text often because of the volume. But after all, it was great. Then back to the car, it doesn't start, of course. Handbrake off, ignition on, shifting to second gear, jumping up from clutch, and tear home.
As we found out here at home, this state is not temporary, need to be fixed. So, Zolika fixes car, takes the starter engine out. Yes, turture, scars on hands, impossible positures. Like a surgery. "Like when you want to find a pinhole in boxing gloves while you hug a tree around." The pont: success. Fix, the back it on the next day. EXCELLENT.
Now I look like a clumsy handyman, thanks for the great russian industry that can put anything in where you can take it out like an artist.
Igor flies, the life is running, but just need a little relax, some calm days. No overtime.
Labels: Everydays, Mood, Music, Personal social problem
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